Forget Michigan's abysmal record the last two years for a moment (yeah, I know -- 8-16 is hard to forget but work with me for a second here). And ignore that fact that the team seemed to get worse as each of those first two seasons progressed. And then, erase the memory of the impending NCAA sanctions.
Done? Good.
Now that your mind has been totally cleansed of anything that has passed for (so-called) Michigan football the last two years, I think I was just as horrified by something Rich Rob said this week in
an interview with Free Press columnist Mitch Albom as I was by any of the above . In the Q&A, Albom asked Rich Rod his thoughts on moving the Michigan-Ohio State game. Here is Rodriguez's response:
I like it at the end of the season. From a tradition standpoint, the environment. But as long as we're playing 'em, it's not the end of the world. I don't think it'll be the first game of the year. It'll probably be toward the end somewhere."
I'm sorry, I must have read that wrong. I thought Mitch Albom just asked the head coach at the University of Michigan what he thought about the yearly showdown his team plays each November that many consider the greatest rivalry game in all of college football, not what his favorite sandwich is on the new $5 Subway menu. Or which of the SAW movies he liked best.

That's such a clueless, pussy answer by Rich Rod on so many levels, I'm not even sure where to begin. But let me take a whack at it:
First, the lack of passion about The Game, the lack of understanding of its history, is so evident in Rodriguez's answer, it almost feels like Rich Rod misheard Albom. Maybe he thought Albom said Purdue, not Ohio State. Not the rivalry that spawned The Snow Ball, Bo vs. Woody, The Ten Year War, #1 vs. #2 in 2006, its own HBO documentary, is known simply at The Game and on and on and on.
Does he really not understand? Or does he simply not care?
Because Rich Rod's answer is the one I'd expect the coach of Markley's 5th Van Tyne IM football squad to give when asked about playing 1st Reeves. Not the head coach of the winningest program in college football history when asked about destroying the traditional season ending showdown with his team's arch rival.
Second, it's an ass-kiss answer if I ever heard one. Rich Rod's boss, Michigan AD Dave Brandon has already made it clear he's okay with moving the game as long as we play OSU each year. Rich Rod's response is the answer the dude at the insurance convention in Des Moines gives at the yearly company retreat because his job is in jeopardy. Then he tops it off by laughing extra hard at the boss's joke at the Happy Hour get together in the hotel lounge which just makes him look like an even bigger douchebag.
For cryin' out loud, Rich, have some fucking stones and give YOUR opinion, one you actually care about. Don't think Michigan-Ohio State is a big deal? Then say it and defend that position. But don't regurgitate the same thing your boss has been saying and be all wishy-washy when talking about THE MOST IMPORTANT GAME ON YOUR TEAM'S SCHEDULE.
Heck, I think I'm going to do the same here on this blog post. I'm going ot show the same level of committment. I was gonna spell check, put up a proper-sized picture with this rant, maybe have Benny do a Photoshop on it, but screw it. As long as I get this post up and it's here, it's not the end of the world.