Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"I have a very poor memory" by Tisch Abelow

I have a very poor memory

I try to remember my personal beliefs, which remind me to make paintings, and this, in turn, informs what the paintings look like. And I try to remember to make paintings to remind me of my personal beliefs; to have a good sense of self. Sometimes I forget to remember to do either. This forgetfulness can be a positive thing because it allows me to just be, though it also can be a negative thing if I forget to remind myself of my personal beliefs or to make paintings, and I end up getting lost. But sometimes it is good for me to get lost because then I find myself again and all my beliefs are fresh and new--a lightbulb goes on--and all that being directly motivates my production of work that is fresh and new and develops my sense of self. Ideally, I will find a balance of being both lost and found and being and producing simultaneously. I must remember this!

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