Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Help for a blogging cohort

If you've tried to access MGoBlog over the last 48 hours or so, you may have noticed this warning pop up:

Now, contrary to initial reports, this attack is not - I repeat, NOT - being orchestrated by AD Dave Brandon in the wake of MGoBlog's criticism of Brady Hoke's hiring.

But whatever is going on, it's certainly causing some headaches for Brian, the site's founder and proprietor.  Just saw the following posts on his Twitter account:

Clarification: need help removing malware from site. We've been baning our heads against it for days.

I need help. Does anyone have suggestions for someone I can hire?

Thus, just trying to pass on the call for help if any of our readers are experts in this field (plus, Brian has a shitload of readers and real honest-to-god companies advertise on his site so he can probably actually pay you as opposed to simply HT'ing you next to a picture of a naked co-ed)

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