Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bob Ufer: God Bless His Cotton Pickin' Maize and Blue Heart!

Hard to believe, but it's been 29 years today since Bob Ufer, the voice of Meeeechigan football, passed away.


For those Michigan fans who lived out of state or are too young to remember, all I can say is you missed something special.  Back when Ufer called the games, U-M was only allowed on TV twice a year so you listened to most Michigan football on the radio.  And even when the game was televised you turned down the tube and listened to "old man Ufer" and his enthusiasm as he cheered for his beloved Meeeechigan. 

So in honor of the late and great Bob Ufer, here is a clip I've probably heard 1,000 times in my life and I still get chills.  Michigan vs. Indiana, homecoming 1979.  Take it away, Ufe...

Need more Ufer? Agreed. Try here, here and finally the "banner incident" from 1973.  The quality sucks, but it's still pretty awesome.

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