Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mel the Praying Mantis Passes

One of the most prescient cephalopods the world has known, Paul the Octopus, is dead. Paul became an international star in July when the world learned of his prowess for correctly predicting soccer World Cup matches. He was on the money with all eight games he picked. 
And as these things tend to happen in threes, number two has hit: Mel the Praying Mantas cashed in his prayer beads yesterday and passed away after a short illness.  Mel was a local insect icon in Ann Arbor known for his uncanny ability to accurately predict every Wolverine win/loss since September 2008.  A longtime U-M fan, "Michigan Mel" could be seen at every home game praying incessantly for a Michigan victory.  He often led scores of fans in the South Endzone in enthusiastic prayer for a decent defense.  Sadly, those prayers went unanswered.
“He’ll be missed,” said Susan, a longtime season ticket holder who knew Mel.  "He can't be replaced.  Sure, there's Butterfly Bob in Section 8, but he's sometimes belligerent and often uses foul language around kids."
Funeral arrangements were not final at press time but Larry’s Bug and Pest Control will be handling them. 
Michigan Mel during a recent vacation to Boca
(HT to Phil for the guest post!)

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