Sunday, October 10, 2010

In-Depth Analysis of the M/MSU Game With Angry Guy

UPDATE:  Apparently Angry Guy got angry with his buddy who posted all the videos below as they have been removed from YouTube.

Hey, Angry Guy, what does Michigan need to do to turn this game around?

Astute observation Angry Guy.  Can't argue with you there. But it's more than that with this defense, isn't it?  I mean what do you think of the tackling?  Or the coverage, Angry Guy?

So I guess you're not a fan of Gerg Robinson, huh? Us neither.  He-- Uh oh.  Don't look at the TV, Angry Guy.  Seriously, I don't want you to burst a blood vessel.  Don't look.  Shit.  You're looking.  You see where he is, Angry Guy?

Yep, in the endzone.  But a lot of teams are ending up there against Michigan this year.  Hell, even UMass. One more question, Angry Guy.  You've stood up for coach Rodriguez in the past, but what did you think of Rich Rod having U-M punt on 4th and 9 with six minutes left and U-M trailing by 17? 

Yeah, that was a wuss move.  Coach Rod even admitted it after the game.  And you mentioned the tackling before.  Several times, I'm pretty sure.  So would it be fair to say here, Angry Guy, that you're not happy with Coach Rod and the team today?  Is that an accurate statement?  Please, just answer the question.  No need to yell anymore, Angry Guy.  I already have enough spittle on my face.

Well, thanks for taking the time out of your angry busy day to talk to us here at the MZone.  We really hope to do it again (no, I mean really).

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