Thursday, October 7, 2010

MSU Fan Shows Off Analytical Skills That Landed Him at MSU

MZone reader AC sends us the YouTube clip below in which some misguided and misinformed (is there any other kind?) MSU fan gets all Zapruder on the infamous Clockgate game from 2001...

So what's the problem with "bawol's" analysis? Plenty says AC:

1. Where does he get his assumption that when the TV clock says 0:03, it means 0:03.99?
2. Even assuming # 1 is true, do we know if he calibrated his clock to exactly when TV’s clock went to 0:03?;
3. Even assuming # 1 and # 2 are true, do we know that the TV clock is the game clock?
4. Even assuming # 1, 2 and 3 are true, the point is Spartan Bob stopped the clock before the referee signaled to do so, and the clock is supposed to stop on ref’s signal, not when ball hits ground. 
5. Even with #4 I think the other thing that happened was that the refs ran around like mice on speed trying to mark spot the ball ready for play on that drive, which they are not supposed to do, they are supposed to maintain some degree of consistency in doing so.

Fact of the matter is that the Big Ten determined what happened (having time on the clock to run the final play) was improper and changed how clocks are maintained as a result. So the facts speaks for themselves. Tell this dude to go back to chasing Big Foot.

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